Call for Paper
4th Gender and Development International Competition and Conference in Research and Education (4th GADICCIRAE) via Zoom
August 6-7, 2023
Warm greetings of peace and health. We are very pleased to invite you to attend the 4th Gender and Development International Competition and Conference in Research and Education (4th GADICCIRAE) via Zoom on August 6-7, 2023 which is a follow-up to the face-to-face conference held in Baguio City, Philippines in 2019 and online conference in 2022 and has the theme, “Equality, Innovation, and Breakthroughs for GAD and Education through Research”.
In relation, we wish to invite you to join either as Plain Presenter or Competing Presenter. Best Research Papers and Best Online Paper Presenters shall be chosen during the Competition Presentations. Participants who are not to present papers but would like to come online to observe are also welcome. The conference is open to officials, faculty researchers, and students from higher educational and basic education institutions.
The acceptable topics for the conference may include but are not limited to the following:
Academe and Academic Institutions
Faculty, Students, and Parents
Curriculum and Modules
New Normal in Education
Breakthroughs and Innovation in Education
Physical set-ups in Educational Institutions
Challenges and Solutions in Education
Leadership, Management Issues and Trends
Higher Education, Graduate Education, Basic Education
Programs and Projects
Community - Related
New Normal
Problems and Challenges
Issues and Solutions
GAD and Education
GAD and Research
GAD and Budget
Business, Entrepreneurship, and Industry Research
Environment Research
Ethical and Animal Science Research
Information Science Research
Mathematics and Engineering Research
Telecommunications and Transportation Research
Science and Technology
Health Science Research
Agricultural Research
Abstracts may be emailed to or with subject matter of ‘ABSTRACT SUBMISSION to 4th GADICCIRAE not later than July 31, 2023. Kindly specify if interested as PLAIN PRESENTER or as COMPETING PRESENTER. Abstracts should follow the format below:
Microsoft Office Word (Not PDF); Not more than 300 words
Times New Roman Font 12, Single Spaced
Should contain the name of the authors/s; institution; contact numbers and email address
Should contain the ff.: Title; Statement of the Problem/Objectives; Short Methodology; Concise Findings; Few recommendations; and, Keywords.
The following shall be chosen in the competition presentations: Best Paper; Best Online Presenter; and Best Abstract. Judges shall be experts in GAD, Research, and Education from the host country Philippines and abroad. Certificates and tokens shall be awarded the winning researchers.
Presented papers will have a chance to be published to the Asian Intellect Research and Education Journal, Volume 28, September 2023 issue with ISSN 2467-4885 (Printed) subject to terms and mechanics for journal publication. Journal publication fee is P4500 but optional. The Asian Intellect Journal is an international-refereed journal through double-blind evaluation process. Evaluators are experts and practitioners in the fields of education and research here and abroad. Our journal is printed but we upload our issues to our website for the possibility of citation opportunities.
Conference registration fee is P3000 (USD60) for Plain Paper Presenters and P3800 (USD70) for Competition Presenters. Participants/Observers shall be assessed a registration fee of P1000 (USD25) Fees are inclusive of E-copy of Book of Abstracts with ISSN 2467-4907, E-certificate, and scanned official receipt. Registration fees may be settled via Paypal, Palawan Express, Western Union, or Gcash.
For inquiries, confirmation of attendance, or reservation of slots, please contact us at +639603739978/ 0454933106. You may also visit our website, for more details about organization and the conference and for download of registration form.
Thank you and we are looking forward to seeing you soon via Zoom.
SEC Registration No. CN201539886