Excellence through Academic & Development Endeavors

  SEC Registration No. CN201539886

2nd International Research Forum in Education, Sciences and the Social Praxis (IRFESSP - Cebu)

Date:      April 14-16, 2018

Venue:   Crown Regency Hotel and Towers

               Cebu City, Philippines


​The Asian Intellect for ACADEMIC ORGANIZATION and DEVELOPMENT Inc. held the “2nd International Research Forum in Education, Sciences and the Social Praxis (IRFESSP 2017)” in Quezon City, Philippines and was a success. In connection, to accommodate more presenters, we will  be bringing the same forum in Cebu City to cater to research authors from the south of the Philippines and abroad.
Hence, we are  honoured to invite you to come or nominate presenters, competitors or participants to the “2nd International Research Forum in Education, Sciences and the Social Praxis (IRFESSP - Cebu)” with the theme, “New Age of Research Dawning in 2018”.  The forum will be held on April 14-16, 2018 at the Crown Regency Hotel and Towers in Cebu City, Philippines. This event will provide a venue for researchers to come together for research presentations and disseminations. It shall also be a platform for healthy academic competitions for researchers.

 The 2nd IRFESSP- Cebu has the following objectives:

  • To provide another chance for research presentation;
  • Develop collaborations for future projects; and network with other professional researchers;
  • To put together the researchers all over the world for sharing and exchange of research findings;
  • To be updated with research cultures that are emerging in other academic communities across the globe;
  • To provide a chance for researchers to have their papers be chosen for research publications; and,
  • To have one’s research paper be recognized for its merits.

 Calling to officials, faculty researchers, and graduate students from higher educational institutions to come as Plain Presenters, Competing Presenters, or Participants/Observers.

 Anybody who has a completed paper may choose whether to join the 1. Competition Cluster or the 2. Plain Presentation Cluster.

The following Awards will be granted:
Best Research Paper (in Education, Management, and Social Praxis);
Best Research Paper (in Science and Technology);
Best Presenter (in Education, Management, and Social Praxis); and,
Best Presenter (in Science and Technology).

Certificate of Recognition and Tokens shall be awarded the winners.


 Abstracts may be sent to asianintellectorg@gmail.com and cc to asianintellectorg@yahoo.com with subject matter of ‘ABSTRACT SUBMISSION to IRFESSP-Cebu’ not later than March 15, 2018 . Abstracts should be: MS Office Word  (Not PDF); not more than 300 words; Times New Roman Font 12; and, Single Spaced.

Journal Publication
Presented papers will have a chance to be published to any of our three journals subject to terms and mechanics for journal publication:
1.Asian Intellect Research and Education Journal - Volume 8 and 9 issue with  ISSN 2467-4885 (Printed)
2.Asian Intellect E-Journal for Science, Mathematics, and Technology – Vol. 2, ISSN 2467-4915 (Online); and,
3. Asian Intellect E-Journal for Research, Education and Management Vol.3, ISSN2467-4893 (Online).

All of the Asian Intellect Journals are now international-refereed journals thru double-blind evaluation process. Publication regular fee is USD 100 but will be USD70 for IRFESSP presenters  inclusive of shipping. All the journals, whether Online or Printed, are to be released by September and December 2018.

Registration fee for LIVE OUT plain presenters is P6500 or USD175 while it shall be  P7500 or USD200 for LIVE OUT Competition Presenters. Participants or Observers will be assessed P5500 or USD150. Live out fees are  inclusive of:  2 morning snacks; 2 lunches; 2 afternoon snacks; printed Book of Abstracts; Memo Pad; Pen; Conference ID; Lanyard; Tokens, Bags; and, Certificates

The conference will present Judges, Keynote Speakers and Plenary Speakers coming from the Philippines and abroad. They will share about trends and updates in Research.

CHED Endorsement
This 2nd IRFESSP is recognized and endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in its Memorandum from the Chairperson dated January 21, 2018.
For inquiries, confirmation of attendance, or reservation of slots, please contact us at +639324501170. For complete details and to download the Registration Forms and Programme of Activities of the 2nd IRFESSP 2018, please visit our website, www.asianintellect.org.

Thank you and we hope to see you in Cebu City.