3rd International Congress in Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2019) 

Date:      April 27-29, 2019

Venue:   One Tagaytay Place Hotel Suites,
                Tagaytay, Philippines



​The  Asian Intellect for ACADEMIC  ORGANIZATION and  DEVELOPMENT Inc. will be conducting  the 3rd International Congress in Multidisciplinary Research (ICMR 2019) on April 27-29, 2019 at the One Tagaytay Place Hotel Suites in Tagaytay City, Philippines. In this connection, we invite you to come or send Paper Presenters in various disciplines of research. The research congress is open to faculty and personnel researchers and graduate students of HEIs. Non-paper presenters may also attend as Participants to the research congress.

The “3rd ICMR 2019” is recommended for academics and researchers whose completed research will be showcased, discussed, and disseminated so their relevance and impact to society and community be hastened. It has the theme “Research: the Road to Academic Flourish”.

The objectives are as follows: to showcase and discuss research findings that will have an impact and relevance to community and society; to assemble the congress of brilliant researchers whose works may merit publication and presentation; and, to stage an environment of academic congregation for exchanges of reciprocal professional insights and thoughts on multidisciplinary researches.

Interested researchers may submit their abstracts to asianintellectinc@gmail.com with subject matter of ‘ABSTRACT SUBMISSION to 3rd ICMR 2019’ not later than April 15, 2019. Abstracts should be: in Microsoft Office Word (Not PDF); not more than 300 words, Times New Roman Font 12, single spaced; including the name of the authors/s; institution; contact numbers and email address (Presenter’s name and corresponding author should be in asterisk*). Deadline of submission of full paper, approved travel order, and registration forms will be on April  18, 2019.

Registration fee for paper presenters and participants is P5500 inclusive of 2 morning snacks; 2 lunches; 2 afternoon snacks; Book of Abstracts; Badges; and, Certificates. Registration fee for the second or third paper is P4000 for each.
Presented papers will have a chance to be published to the Asia Intellect Research and Education Journal Volume 11, June 2019 issue. Publication fee is P3500 but voluntary and optional.

This international conference is recognized and endorsed by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) in its Memorandum from the Chairperson dated March 15, 2019.

For inquiries, confirmation of attendance, or reservation of slots, please contact us at +639326758296/ 0454933106. For complete details and to download the Registration Forms and CHED Endorsement of the 3rd  ICMR 2019, please visit our website at www.asianintellect.org.

  SEC Registration No. CN201539886

Excellence through Academic & Development Endeavors