Excellence through Academic & Development Endeavors

  SEC Registration No. CN201539886

Asian Intellect  for ACADEMIC ORGANIZATION and DEVELOPMENT Inc. is happy to invite you to  publish your completed paper to the “Asian Intellect JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH, EDUCATION, AND MANAGEMENT, ISSN- 2467- 4893” which is a refereed journal published online with the aim of disseminating research studies all over the world.

Being published online will give your research study the following benefits:

  1. Chances of Journal Citation;
  2. Ease of Tracking, Impact Factor and Acceptance Rate;
  3. Convenience of electronic delivery of the journals directly to author’s inbox;
  4. Ease of future search and retrieve;
  5. Convenience of Authors to share with their Co-Authors without additional cost;
  6. Ease of upload into the respective university library portals;
  7. Indexing and listing directories require PDF electronic copies;
  8. Searchable in major search engines (e.g. Google, etc.) once uploaded into our website;
  9. Easy to print; and,   
  10. Upload into your University Websites.

Research topics that can be accepted may include but are not limited to the following:

Marketing Research
Education, Practice and Experiences
Business, Entrepreneurship and Industry Research
Basic Education
History, Arts and Culture
Higher Education
General Education
Human Resource Systems
Physical Education
Human Behavior
Environment Research


If interested to publish, you may reach us thru our email address, asianintellectorg@gmail.com, and mobile number, +639324501170, for inquiries and mechanics. Thank you very much and more power.